Spring Has Sprung?

The weather this spring has been unpredictable to say the least. Sunshine and 80 one day. Snow and 38 the next. Planning your wardrobe for a given day is like packing for vacation. Short sleeves, sweater, hat, gloves, shorts, and long pants.

One thing we can count on being consistent in our lives is God’s presence and God’s love for each of us. And because of that presence and love we are able to reach out and help our neighbors in need with food, shelter, clothing, and medication.

At The Center we have seen an increase in the use of our Food Pantry. It’s a sign of the current economic atmosphere, but thanks to a gracious God and a generous community, we continue to be able to meet the needs of our guests week after week.

More importantly we are seeing changes in our guests lives. Several have begun to attend local churches and become involved in those congregations and are finding their spiritual needs met also.

Please continue to support The Center in your prayers as well as your donations. The guests, volunteers, and staff all need that spiritual strength to go week to week. The leadership (read me) and the Board of Directors need ongoing guidance as we plan and move forward with our vision for the Wa-Nee Community.

Stay warm or cool depending on the day. And thank you for all you bring to the mission of The Center.


Letter from Executive Director Mark Mikel